The LADA Group Shares Afrocentric vs Eurocentric

 LADA Group Afrocentric vs. Eurocentric Worldviews

What is The LADA Group Community Economic Development Plan?
First lets define what the words mean.

: a group of people who live in the same area (such as a city, town, or neighborhood)
: a group of people who have the same interests, religion, race, etc.
: a group of nations

: a science concerned with the process or system by which goods and services are produced, sold, and bought
: the part of something that relates to money

: the act or process of growing or causing something to grow or become larger or more advanced
: the act or process of creating something over a period of time
: the state of being created or made more advanced

A Community cannot Make Money. The U.S Mint Makes Money. However, You can generate money. When you Generate Money it becomes Generational.

: to produce (something) or cause (something) to be produced
: to be the cause of or reason for (something, such as interest or excitement)

Generational Wealth is an aspect of financial planning that is geared toward passing down stable, significant financial resources to future generations.

The Afrocentric, or African-centered, worldview is very different from the Eurocentric, or Europe-centered, worldview. Afrocentrism is centered around the beliefs that:

# The highest value of life lies in the interpersonal relationships between men;
# One gains knowledge through symbolic imagery and rhythm;
# One should live in harmony with nature;
# There is a oneness between humans and nature;
# The survival of the group holds the utmost importance;
# Men should appropriately utilize the materials around them;
# One’s self is complementary to others;
# Change occurs in a natural, evolutionary cycle;
# Spirituality and inner divinities hold the most significance;
# There are a plethora of deities to worship;
# Cooperation, collective responsibility, and interdependence are the key values to which all should strive to achieve;
# All men are considered to: be equal, share a common bond, and be a part of the group;
# The Afrocentric worldview is a circular one, in which all events are tied together with one another.

The Eurocentric worldview is centered around the beliefs that:

* The highest value of life lies in the object, or in the acquisition of the object;
* One gains knowledge through counting and measuring;
* One should control and dominate nature;
* There is a dichotomy, or separateness, between nature and humans;
* The survival of the fittest holds the utmost importance;
* Men should have an unlimited exploitation of the materials around them;
* One’s self is distinct from others;
* Change occurs to meet the immediate objectives, and is quite arbitrary;
* A distant, impersonal god holds the most significance;
* There is only one supreme deity to worship;
* Competition, independence, separateness, and individual rights are the key values to which all should strive to achieve;
* All men are considered to be individualistic, unique, and different;
* The Eurocentric worldview is a linear one, in which all events are separate and there is no togetherness.

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